ZOMBIE BABY 2009 (Girl, Demonica) EXTREMELY RARE Static version. Never seen one for sale. Some cracking in feet and hands, rest is good condition!
GEMMY FLOATING SKULL 2009 VERY RARE, Skull works fully. Sometimes it doesn't float because the motor gets locked up. DEVILS DICE GAME SPIRIT HALLOWEEN, Never seen for sale RARE. TAILS FROM THE CRYPT KEEPER LANTERN HEAD, Vintage another very rare peice.
The neck needs to be reglued, but the head still rests on the base of the lantern and looks PERFECT. A bit dusty from being so old, needs a wipe down. RISING FROM THE GRAVE REAPER TEKKY TOYS, RARE. I can hear the motor for the rising mechanism but it doesn't seem to be rising.
This lot includes 6 very rare animatronics and props.